Don’t Forget These 5 Items When You Close

Here are the top five things you want with you when closing on a home.

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Today we want to talk about five things you want to bring with you to the closing table. There’s a lot more involved in the closing process, but these are the things you want with you in the car as you’re on your way to close:

1. Keys. This is especially important if you are a seller. The last thing you want is to close on a sale only to have your buyer locked out of their new home.

2. Identification. We’ve seen a few times where people show up with an expired driver's license. This can clog up the whole process, and gives your buyer or seller more time to get cold feet. If you don’t have a driver’s license, make sure you bring another form of acceptable identification, such as a passport.

3. Certified check. The closing attorney won’t accept your personal check, so make sure you bring a certified check to closing.


The last thing you want to do is hold up the closing.

4. Blank personal check. This isn’t absolutely necessary, but it’s nice to have just in case. If you need to pay someone $100 for whatever fee you forgot about, you won’t hold up the closing.

5. Utilities. This is especially important for buyers. You don’t want to move into a home and have a great housewarming party only to have the lights turned off. Make sure you call your utility company before you close.

If you have any questions about today’s topic, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 978-256-3306 or visit our website at We look forward to hearing from you!