Looking to buy or sell a home in Merrimack Valley? Click here to perform a full home search, or if you're thinking of selling your home, click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You may also call us at (978) 852-3001 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.
Many clients ask us, “Should I list during the holidays?” Our recommendation is YES. Here’s why:
- Buyers are highly motivated and serious. They’re not window shopping. They need to make a decision soon.
- Buyers have few houses to choose from. Inventory is low compared to the spring.
- Inventory will increase in January. There will be less demand for your home at the turn of the new year.
- Houses show better during the holidays. Decorate! Show off your property.
- Buyers are more determined. They want their dream home.
- Buyers have more time to look now. They have more time off due to the holidays!
If you’re thinking about making a real estate decision, contact us by phone or email today. We would love to assist you!