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First of all, a home inspector is someone a buyer hires to completely inspect the condition of the home they are about to buy. The home inspector, in many cases, will produce a report of about 50-100 pages detailing all of the science and function associated with the property.
Home inspectors identify problems in every area of the home, whether it has to do with systems, defects, foundation issues, or anything else. Issues regarding mold, lead paint, asbestos, and other health hazards are also covered by the home inspector. They can give you information regarding anything that has to do with issues that need to be identified and repaired on the property.
An appraiser, on the other hand, has a completely different role in the sale. What the appraiser does is identify what the appraised value of the property is, so that can be shared with the lender who is financing it. If the appraised value comes in lower than the sale price, it can create a challenge for the buyer. If you have a great agent, they can negotiate the settlement so that the difference between the sale value and the appraisal can be resolved amicably.
If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. Until next time!