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Personal individuality is great, but not in the real estate market. Flashy furniture and gaudy decorations can definitely begin to impact the sale of your home. When people are touring your home they don't want to see your personality - they want to see your home.
Here are four tips to rid your home of your character and get it sold more quickly.
- Remove family photos, heirlooms, diplomas, trophies, or any other memorabilia or artwork that might take away from the experience of the potential buyer. They need to visualize themselves living in the home, and they can't do that if the home is filled with your belongings.
- Repaint any rooms with too much personality. Hot pink or camouflage schemes may please you, but it will not help to sell your home. Try repainting with neutral earth tones to appeal to more buyers.
- Show rooms as they are supposed to be used. Showcase your office as an office (not a storage area) and stage your garage as a place to park your vehicles (not a personal workshop).
- Detach yourself emotionally from your home. We tie in lots of feelings and emotions in our homes, but when you decide to sell your home, it's not really your home anymore. It's a huge investment, and you have to set aside your emotions to come to that realization. Emotions can eventually begin to impact your selling process, and that's a very hazardous situation.

As always, please contact me with any questions about the Merrimack Valley real estate market. I would gladly set aside some of my time to speak with you.