Staging Your Home in Greater Lowell
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I want to address an issue that comes up all the time with my clients. People always ask what they should do to improve their home before putting it on the market. That’s a great question.
Anytime you’re selling your home, you want to make sure it’s clean and you have it staged. Your home is going to be competing with lots of other properties; you really want to enhance your home by giving the best presentation possible.
We get asked what can be done to increase the value of a home. Painting is an inexpensive way to get a return on your dollar.
It’s also important to know your financial situation. If you’re equity is just about even and very low on cash, at the very minimum you want the home to be very clean.
If you do have equity and want to elevate your position in the market, you can take it to the next level: you can get a home inspection. You always want to make sure the most important elements of your home are taken care of. If you can afford to upgrade those elements that are damaged and outdated, you can really save yourself from having a buyer try to negotiate down.
If you have any further questions regarding what you need to do to get your home ready to sell, please give me a call. I’d love to help! Thanks for watching!