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Hiring the right agent can make the difference between a profitable real estate venture and a nightmare. With so many agents out there, it's important to know what separates a great agent from a mediocre one. Here are some questions you should ask when interviewing agents:
Can you furnish a list of client testimonials?
Testimonials demonstrate what past clients have experienced when working with the professional you're looking to hire. The more success stories an agent has, the more likely you are to have a great experience working with them.
How man Years of full-time experience do you have?
Over 80% of all agents who apply and get licensed in the state of Massachusetts never show up their second year to pay their dues as a real estate professional. This means there is a high turnover rate in our industry - don't get stuck with someone who isn't in it for the long haul.
Can you furnish your skills as a negotiator?
Ask your agent for examples of what they've done in the past as a professional negotiator. There's no better way to judge an agent's skills than to have them provide you with proof.
What is your average differential between list price and sale price?
Not usual on a board of Realtors for there to be a difference between the sale price and the list price of about 5%-7%. If your agent's differential is lower than that, you could be in trouble.
How does your average differential between list price and sale price differ from that of your board of Realtors?
Ask your agent to draw a comparison between your agent's professional performance and that of the average for the board on which the agent works.
What professional organizations and resources will you use to sell our home?
Ask about their affiliates and their organizations. Do they belong to a chamber of commerce, to Business Network International? Will they be able to access the resources of the community? Do they have strong ties and relationships to professionals such as investors, appraisers, mortgage companies, and attorneys? These ties can make a huge difference in your real estate transaction.
How many homes do you sell on average per month?
The general public doesn't realize the average licensee sells fewer than 3 homes per year. If your agent sells fewer than 12 homes a year, you're probably hiring a part time agent.
If you want the best results from your real estate transaction, you need to get the right answer to these questions from the agent you hire. It will make all the difference in your real estate transaction.
As always, if you need any help navigating the real estate world, we're here to help. Give us a call or shoot us an email for the assistance you deserve!