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Who are affiliates and how do they impact you when you hire a world-class salesperson?
Most of us have received medical or dental treatment of some sort. As you probably noticed, there are many people between you and the individual who performs the surgery. There is someone at intake, the preliminary people who get you ready for the procedure, and people who take care of you after. The many people you encounter range from nurses and assistants, to doctors and technicians. There are many affiliates associated with how you view the procedure. Just one could change an otherwise positive experience into a negative one.
The real estate process is no different. When you hire a real estate salesperson, you are hiring an affiliate that may impact how clients view you - they can make a huge difference with how others view their experience. There are assistants, staff administrators, inspectors, lenders, attorneys, surveyors, contractors, underwriters, insurance providers, among many others, that can alter how you feel about your transaction. Because of this, you have to ask yourself a question when hiring: "Are these affiliates willing to go the extra mile for me?"
You want your affiliates to have your back - that way, you can be sure your clients are taken care of and your brand isn't affected by one bad experience. If you have any questions or concerns about affiliates and how they can impact your real estate transactions, don't hesitate to reach out to us! We'd be pleased to help you out!